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Restorative Dentistry Services in Toronto, ON

Although regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups effectively help maintain natural, healthy smiles, dental and oral health issues can still arise that may impact the functional and esthetic state of your mouth. Loss of  one or more teeth can happen due to injury or disease and you may require dental implants to fill the gaps and restore your smile and oral health. Restorative procedures or other prosthetic treatment can prevent further deterioration of your dental health.

At Pape Dental Centre in Toronto, ON, we perform different types of restorative dentistry treatment aimed at maintaining the functional integrity of your teeth and jaws, restoring overall oral health. Fillings, crowns, bridges, full and partial dentures, dental implants, are various restorative treatments that our dental team performs every day with impeccable precision while ensuring minimal discomfort to the patient. Book a consultation to find out how restorative dentistry can help you with your dental needs.

A diagram depicting a dental crown installation
An image of dental crowns
A close up image of dental crowns
A chipped tooth
Close up of a person's teeth


A Crown is commonly known as a “Cap” and is used to cover a tooth to protect it and to prevent fracture. This restorative procedure is used when there is an existing, very large restoration (filling) on the tooth, or if the tooth has had root canal therapy (endodontic treatment), making the tooth more brittle. When any of these conditions exist, the tooth is much more susceptible to fracture if a crown is not placed on it.


Crowns are often made with porcelain bonded to metal, combining aesthetics with strength. Sometimes, a full porcelain crown can be made for an anterior (front) tooth for maximum esthetics. Also, for posterior (back) teeth in a non-esthetic area of the mouth, a full metal crown can be made for maximum strength and minimal tooth reduction.

A close up of a dental care device
An image of dental bridges
A set of dental crowns
A close up of dental crowns


As the name implies (bridge), this “fixed” form of prosthodontics spans the gap created by a missing tooth or missing teeth. This cemented appliance involves crowning supporting teeth on both sides of the gap, filling the gap with prosthetics - “lifelike”, real-looking teeth that sit slightly above the gums, giving a very natural appearance. These bridges are often made with porcelain bonded to the metal for strength. Sometimes bridges are utilized, as they provide the best solution for replacing missing teeth, but sometimes other solutions are more optimal. If teeth on either side have had root canal therapy and/or are heavily restored (or both), making them prone to fracture, then they would need “full coverage”, so a bridge might be a good solution.

A diagram showing a dental implant that has been successfully installed
An x-ray image of dental implants


Bridges are utilized sometimes as they provide a suitable solution for replacing missing teeth, but sometimes other solutions are more optimal. If teeth on either side have had root canal therapy or are heavily restored, then they will need full coverage, which is offered by a bridge. If teeth on either side have no or small restorations done on them, then an implant is likely to be a better option.

A woman experiencing dental discomfort


Bruxism is a condition that involves excessive grinding or jaw clenching. Mild to severe bruxism can occur due to anxiety, stress, sleep disorder, or other underlying health conditions. An intense bruxism episode can leave you with a chipped tooth the next morning. A mouthguard or nightguard will create a barrier between your upper and lower teeth. We offer custom-fitted mouthguards so that they are comfortable and sit perfectly on your teeth. For children and adults involved in sports activities, these custom mouthguards will help protect your teeth from injuries.

Two dental care professionals working on a patient
An x-ray of a root canal

Root Canal Treatment

A tooth has a canal(s) filled with pulp, containing blood vessels and nerve tissue. Sometimes, when decay progresses to the pulp of the tooth, infection and abscess may occur, requiring root canal therapy to salvage the tooth. Also, teeth with deep restorations may eventually require root canal therapy. Sometimes endodontic treatment is required when there has been trauma to the tooth, resulting in injury to the pulp that is not reversible. At this point, if root canal therapy is not done (and it is not always the best treatment option), then extraction of the tooth will be necessary to eliminate pain and infection.

An image of different types of dental fillings
A before and after image depicting the installation of white dental fillings


Teeth fillings are required for a number of reasons, cavities being the most common one. To prevent cavities from reaching the root of the teeth and damaging the nerves, a part of the damaged tooth is removed. Upon the removal of the damaged part, the area is then filled with a special material like amalgams and tooth-coloured composite material. We use mercury-free, tooth-coloured white fillings based on the patient's needs. Teeth fillings, bonding is also used to repair chipped teeth. 

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